Roseate Spoonbill
The Roseate Spoonbill is one of the most unique bird...
purple heron_B4
Purple Heron / Reddish Egret
The Purple Heron, as Audubon called it, is now known...
mallard duck 45_B_R2_F
Mallard Duck
This is probably the most famous duck image Audubon illustrated....
Long Billed Curlew
It is easy to see how the long-billed curlew got...
Common American Swan
Known as the Common American Swan in Audubon’s time, this...
Great American Hen & Young (Female)
Wild Turkey Cock, Hen and Young is one of the...
Wood Ibis
Wood Ibis
The flight of the Wood Ibis is heavy at its...
American White Pelican
American White Pelican
Audubon first observed white pelicans, one of America’s largest birds,...
Brown Pelican
Brown Pelican
The Brown Pelican, depicted on a branch of Red Mangrove...
Carolina Parrott
Carolina Parrott
Gorgeous, lively illustration of seven parrots represented feeding on a...
Snowy Owl
Snowy Owl
The Snowy Owl, painted against a night sky, is one...
Wild Turkey Cock, Hen and Young
Wild Turkey Cock, Hen and Young
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